La Vie en Rose
Quiet day. Packing, loafing, etc. Watched the 3D movie with the kids tonight - hence the fancy specs. I got a bit bored with translating, and they seemed to be able to follow the story well enough.
Now watching BBC World on-line waiting for the news from Egypt.
Mr B, in other news, has a van and is motoring here from London painfully slowly. Poor fella.
In other, other news, I think we've made an appointment to sign the contract on a house purchase... (It's the mad house, you'll be delighted to hear.) Unfortunately our appointment to finalise the sale of our current house now may be put back a month because the folk at the Mairie have been sitting on their hands for four months doing nothing. So, it's a kind of mixed bag of a news day here.
I'm being philosophical about it - something will work out. And those rose tinted glasses are staying firmly on my nose till it's all over and we're standing with our possessions in front of a house with no roof. (I said it was mad.)
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