Fablevision Studios

By FablevisionStudios

Daniel at the Voscars

The Voscars are for nominating your volunteer if you think they are the greatest, the bad-est, best-est, the Muhammad Ali of Volunteering. The Voscars are the Project Scotland volunteering awards, just our little way of recognising truly outstanding volunteers.

Daniel and Elizabeth, one of our media technicians, headed through to Edinburgh last month to meet the Project Scotland team. Last year Elizabeth interviewed Daniel on camera about his experience as a volunteer and his involvement with the community with Fablevision. They had a photoshoot together and also promoted Project Scotland's 5th year anniversary. It was a successful day and the interview was shown at the Voscars and will hopefully be up on the Project Scotland website soon.

Unfortunately Daniel didn't win but was commended for all his hard work as a volunteer.

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