By paradoxicalove


This is Adam and Josh soldering some wires for an encoder.
I suck at soldering. It's fun though.

Today was pretty great, I really enjoy my art class where I can learn a bit yet have lots of time and space to think, and my lunch hour is also quite lovable where I have a few choices on where to sit :)
In Language Arts, we started To Kill A Mockingbird. It's not bad!
I now have inspirations to draw things along with my poems, like the Eiffel Tower or random hearts and signs.

The new schedule makes the school day so much longer somehow, but I'm meeting a lot more new people and enjoying school more! :)
Robotics wasn't too productive today. I brought my point and shoot over and took a bunch of pictures, and helped Chris with some parts. In the end though, I failed at my job and was :/ Oh well :)
Upperclass guys fooled around more, "stealing each other's souls" with a tape measure. Weird, funny. Hilarious.

Mom is feeling a bit stressed from some family conflicts, and in a bit of a crisis. Hope she gets better! Praying for her.
Backblips coming later!

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