Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

There's a light...

Arrived early at the station this morning...had 10 minutes to kill before the train arrived. So I got out my trusty iPhone and started checking my you do...then I tweeted...then I took a couple of photographs.

These are the lights that were above my head...I also used my Instagram app for the first time and took the freight train passing through...was busy setting up the Instagram connection with Twitter when the train came in...didn't notice the bike storage on the front carriage...had to run along the platform to the front of the train...dropped my gloves on the way...had to drop the bike to run back for them...picked the bike up and...

...luckily the conductor was having a wee conversation with one of the station staff so I caught the train...

I would not have been pleased if I had missed it because I was too involved with my that would not have been good.

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