nogbad's blips

By nogbad

Looking up

Blip is suggesting that I've used this title before but my head is too fried for original thought. Loooooong day! M25 was clear but the M1 was a nightmare this morning so I was slightly late for my first meeting. That flowed over into lunch which was a very swift coffee before another meeting and then a drive across to the main campus for yet another meeting in the Jenny Lee Building. After that I headed for the M1 and caught a traffic flash saying that the M1 southbound around Luton was pants so I asked SatNav to take me to Cambridge. From there I M11'd to the M25 which was shut at J29 - yes, shut. Gosh what fun was had sitting staring at the tail lights of the car in front as we edged slowly forwards. Home now - had a tasty pizza and catching up on emails. The image is looking up at the roof of the atrium in the Jenny Lee. I'm sure there must be a technical term for the walkways but I have no idea what that term might be so they will have to be walkways for now.

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