
By shy

Bye Bye Swan

Good News.
They've built a new pond right next to our office car-park, and populated it with a couple of swans, plus a few sundry geese. The old pond down the road has been getting a bit overcrowded with birdlife, and the swans were beginning to walk across the road and sit on the roundabout in rush-hour traffic.
The two naughtiest swans have been coaxed using a trail of food into this new pond, and seem to be settling in nicely. I've left it a couple of weeks before going over to shoot them, and I have to say, they came straigtht over to me to say hello. As soon as they saw I had no food, they flew off over to the other side of the pond. This is one of them taking off. Four powerful beats to get into the air, then an immediate slamming on of the anchors to prevent himself colliding with the far bank.
I was able to leave the office, set up the camera, take 20 shots, put the camera away and get back to the office in less than 10minutes.
So more wildlife shots to come.

This animal is a Mute Swan (cygnus olor), has a 7ft wingspan and eats vegetable matter. Although not whilst flying.


A tighter crop and larger version


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