must try harder

By halfcj

Down in the dumps.

Very busy morning and afternoon. One of those days when lots of things needed finishing up all around the same time. Mother-in-Law fell and broke her wrist, not ideal at 80+ years old. She's OK though, can't see what all the fuss is about. Done it before. Didn't want to go to hospital. "I'll be OK". B took her anyway, rightly so. Left me to get on with my deadlines.

Managed to get everything done despite needing to repeat one request a gazillion times. What is it with people that don't understand you want them to produce it EXACTLY as you laid it out, not similar, not close or even damn close, I want it exactly as I have shown! Sucking of teeth, deep sighs that you know either mean "that's very difficult" or "that'll be expensive!". Rubbish, just do it properly I say.

When they do eventually do it, it's because you've told them how to achieve it, even though it's their job, and all they can say is "oh yeah". You can hear the furrowed brow languishing in their answer, and in a later conversation they lay claim to having completed the task. Yes....."only because I told you how to!" is my retort in frustration. I know I'm supposed to be pleasant to people I deploy on a job, but I'm paying, I expect them to do a good one!

Well if I can't get it off my chest on blip, where can I?

So anyway, my day was packed, didn't stop til late, but made some delicious bubble and squeak for the boys and B which we had with cold Chicken, beef (an over-cooked chateaubriand steak Tom brought home from the restaurant rather than throw it away - sacrilege), ham and some chirizo, all finished up with some scramble eggs and cream and butter-panfried mushrooms. Delicious. Usual family banter over dinner, but our Joe seemd a bit down in the dumps. Not even he was sure why. Not much we could offer to resolve his demeanour except, as it had been too hectic a day for blipping...I could make him the star of tonight's show. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you...."Joe the Smo!"

BTW - decided to change my blip name...didn't really think about it when I joined! Sorry if the change foxed anyone.

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