
We needed a little pick-me-up to coax ourselves off the sofa. We finally went out and braved the blustery weather after a late brunch and showed G the sights. It didn't look particularly pretty since the Rynek had some scaffolding up and there was bit of rubbish blowing about. The skies were grey and the wind a bit biting but we warmed our cockles with some pierogi and beer before retiring home to the aforementioned sofa.

It was worth it though. A top meal was had at Rozbrat 20. My fourth time at the much-acclaimed restaurant that is off the beaten track, but pretty much on my doorstep. And then it was full-steam ahead for a rendezvous with the Oirish and a couple of other friends up in town for some vodka cocktails and whatnot. The owner of the bar joined us and dished out the bar's signature ginger/rose vodka, which most of us duly knocked back.

Much to my surprise, the boy* surpassed all expectations, despite his emerging bout of man-flu, and suggested we could have 'one more' with the others who were still standing at Nowy Wspanialy Swiat, complete with a bit of dancing for good measure. We arrived home shortly after 4.15am and as if we hadn't had enough already, we knocked out a few choons on Singstar before finally calling it a night, just before the sun** came up.

* aka G / GP / The Doc.
** it actually did come up. There was even a hint of blue sky at one point, but that was Sunday...

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