With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Do you really want that?

Good job I wasn't working today, as Ben was croaking even more this morning and I couldn't even see the back of his throat. Fortunately it's just sore and not infected, so no antibiotics needed and we could have a little walk out for cake in the square and to get the car from the garage later on. I haven't been able to get the boys in the back of the car easily from one side for about three years, and all because of one lousy bit of cable and 38 Euros. Should have been fixed a long time ago. Stupid.

I managed to squeeze in a half hour bash of a few tennis balls with Xavi though. I learned a lot, and was so glad to get back after over a month. When he suggested I could actually play a game sometime, instead of just training, it was like a thunderbolt. If I hadn't been so red in the face from my exertions anyway, I think I would have blushed. It is a bit daft training and not actually playing!

This is Ben about to start on my piece of cherry cake at Paris. It felt rather lovely to have him at home for a legitimate reason, without him feeling too poorly or having to be confined to barracks. It was a shame that the playstation decided to break today, he could have had an ideal boy's day.

Then he would have had his cake and eaten it.

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