Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Take my hand ...

When I first started blip I promised myself it would be a day to day personal journal, something I could look back on in years to come and remember the forgotten memories, good and bad ... today my heart is sad & I don't want it to be, I want it to be strong because it needs to be ...

For all of my friends and family I sometimes take for granted ... my hand is always here if you need me to hold yours!

If one day you feel like crying...
Call me.
I don't promise that I will make you laugh,
But I can cry with you

If one day you want to run away--
Don't be afraid to call me.
I don't promise to ask you to stop...
But I can run with you

If one day you don't want to listen
to anyone...
Call me.
I promise to be there for you.
And I promise to be very quiet.

But if one day you call...
And there is no answer...
Come fast to see me.
Perhaps I need you.

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