Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

A bud

is a small, developing part of a plant that will grow into a flower, a new leaf or a stem.
They can be useful in the identification of plants and are often used for winter identification of woody plants.

I think this one is a Common Alder (Alnus glutinous).

Not much else to blip today as the weather has been very cold and very wet, with a few flurries of snow.

Good things today

First online grocery shop arrived without a hitch.
Managed to take the dogs for a walk after school.
Only 12 more days until mid-term hols.

Bad things today

sleep deprivation from Claire's fever hallucinations last night, hate it when she's not well.
Even with all that food in the fridge, no inspiration or energy to cook anything decent for dinner.
It's Monday.
Filled in my renewal application for my driving licence, not holding out too much hope as it took DVLA over 6 months to process application last time.

Someone tell me a joke to cheer me up please?

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