
By Poppy

Bird Watching . . .

This was taken just after I had filled up the bird feeder! Bobby sits and looks at them, but neither he, nor the other three cats, seem very bothered about catching them. He much prefers rabbits - much more meat on them, and none of those irritating feathers!

As if I didn't know already, today has really proved to me that the weather has a huge influence on my mood and mind. One of those days that you feel you could do anything, that everything is going to work out fine!

It was a lovely sunrise, and it has been bright and dry all day. Just the odd drop of rain, and cold enough to give the air a bit of freshness after all the dull wet weather of the past few days. Ollie and I had a good bracing walk along to the ponies then came back via a different, stony beach. This had the advantage that, although he was wet, he wasn't covered in sand!

Called in to see a friend on the way back, and give her some bed socks which I had knitted for her! Just what she wanted! I hasten to add this friend had actually expressed an interest in said item of footwear - I don't go round giving them to just anyone!

Called in on Northern too and begged an onion off her, forgot to get any at the village shop. Useful kind of neighbour to have, makes a fine Christmas cake too!

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