Pigeon's Pics

By TheNinjaPigeon

Dinner Time

This wee chap was behind glass so I am especially pleased with how this turned out, didn't need to fiddle with the colour or anything - he really is that green. There was a nice sensible shot of him contemplating his food but somehow him sticking his tongue out for a taste is much more fun.

Things I have learned today:

1) When giant tortoises make the beast with two backs the noise the male makes every push forward sounds like a ships foghorn going off

2) Monkeys do not like posing for a camera

3) Changing lenses in the heat and jungle (exaggeration??) is too much of a hassle (as such we have lots of animal shots and none of the spectacular foliage)

4) I am grumpy when I wake up from an impromptu nap

I am lucky then (referring to number 4) that Graham is not only very patient but also now already married to me and so unable to escape.

I am not looking forward to normal life back in the UK and am worried I will run out if interesting things to blip.

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