In passing

By passerby

Arches and Doorways

'Unlikely Destinies' was more like a commentary on certain aspects of change our society is undergoing. Sometimes it grieves me when I see that man is not encouraged to be himself anymore. He becomes a mere fast swimming fish adapting to keep up with the raging currents of life.

Anyway, this poem is a whole lot different. And much simpler.

Alone at Sunrise

I see an arched streetlight
Peering into windows,
And crimson rays of dawn
Seeping into an edifice
Carved in old stone;.

I see mildewed wine barrels
On cobblestone alleyways,
And shades over doors
Like folds in a woman's skirt,
Casting folded shadows;

I see twisted bridges
With smoking trains
Chuffing beneath them,
Like crawling children
Twisting around their parents' legs;

I see floating cafés
And empty chairs
Mirrored on empty waters,
The last rays from a night-lamp
Playing on drops of frost.

Bottles and goblets
Like footprints
On the dewy grass, lie broken...
And you are not here.
All my songs break like shattered glass.

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