Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Walking on the Beach

It was a pretty grey and overcast day today but we thought we would get the kids out anyway for a spot of fresh air. We headed out to Tentsmuir and walked the 3 miles out to the point along the "soul destroying road" - one of the back road in the forest which just goes on endlessly, well until you reach the end :)

The camera has been playing up - on simple shots it refuses to focus. I got quite vexed with it, particularly when it refused for all of 10 minutes to take any shots of the seals. I am not sure what I have done to it. It just seems overly fussy when all the settings are " theoretically" correct for the setting and the light.

Anyway after the road we walked along the beach. The sky was grey and the sea was grey, Lynn's wellies were the brightest thing I saw :) The kids (well two 20 year olds and an 11 year old) seemed to enjoy it.

Home and the usual roast dinner - now for a wine and Top Gear

I am ignoring the fact that tomorrow is **day :)

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