
By covet

Sunday walks

I'm just all over lighthouses at the moment, don't really know how this crept up on me! I realised also this week that I have a lighthouse temperature gauge/thermometer that we've inherited in the new flat- AWESOME.

Today just had to be a productive day, so had an 11k run this morning, then took my house guest Naomei on a long, loonnnng walk down to the shore, newhaven (where I spotted a lovely lighthouse looking majestic against fife in the distance) then on to explore trinity before heading back home. Tried to go to the botanics to see a snowdrops exhibition but that plan failed (might have been an extortionate entry fee), and we ended up having crumpets and tea back home.
Now I've just got to get my achy limbs off the couch and along to book group. Woo!

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