As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM


My brown garden waste bin arrived on Friday so today I thought it would be a good idea to transfer the contents of the waste bag into the bin. Sadly there were a lot of Ladybirds hibernating in there but I fished out as many as I could find, photographed a few, and then moved them to a nice cosy overgrown pot that lives in the garage. They should be fine in there and won't have any problem finding their way out should they wish.

I also photographed Anemones, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Onions, Roses and me today but as I am unlikely to be able to repeat the Ladybirds I shall show them off :)

Tricky little things to photograph - they don't half shift!

Oh and I could have cloned out that bit of fluff on his/her back but I like to leave my bugs as I find them.

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