Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Up with the Sun

"I always try to be alert to the potential for repetition, for a decaying orbit with regard to my use of technique, etc."

- Jeff Vandermeer

I had a few possible blips from this morning. The first were taken around 3:30am O_O I awoke, and went outside to see if it had cooled at all. It was in fact lovely outside, but not enough of a breeze to really cool the house, even though I went round and opened all the doors and windows.

Anyway, while outside I noticed the sky was totally clear, and the Milky Way looked great - even seeing the Coalsack nebula by the Southern Cross and some dark dust bands along the arm. I grabbed my tripod and shot off a few pics toward the Southern Cross, and then noticed Venus rising through the trees, and took a couple of her. I've put a couple of pics up on my Posterous.

In the end though, I'm blipping this, from a little after 6, when I was up for the day - because the clouds were just so stunning.

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