
By snappydancer


This afternoon the children had to do cutting, tearing, folding, scrunching, rolling and twisting with paper and then stick examples of such onto a piece of A4 paper. "Why?" I hear you ask - quite!

Anyway Jude14 and I decided to liven things up (like we do) so after the children had done their 'work' we performed a 'cabaret' of paper rolling, folding and cutting tricks.

Jude14 cut an ordinary piece of A4 paper in such a way that I was able to fit through it! Amazing!

I had 2 tricks "up my sleeve". The first was rolling up a long piece of newspaper and making a tall palm tree. I was quite confident about the success of this trick and the children were suitably impressed.

However, I was a little apprehensive about the success of my second trick as I had not done it for many years. But, with the help of my glamorous assistant Jude14, this was the result!!

Round of applause from the children and a sigh of relief from me!!

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