
By dsyglsy

daisy's birthday weekend...

it's daisy's birthday on monday - but a monday is a rubbish day for a birthday, so today we're having her bowling-burger king-film-just dance-sleepover with four friends: tess, elizabeth, anya and eve.

bowling was good fun - it was pretty hot in the bowling alley so we were all a bit puggled when we left. burger king: a horrific place, but the kids never get there, so this was considered a huge treat. then home to watch a film and play just dance 2 (which was hilarious). we gave daisy just dance 2 tonight as a wee early birthday present...her reaction: 'I didn't want that'. her friends, however, were practically doing backflips at the sight of it. I hope she's not that disappointed with the other presents we have for her on monday. incidentally, me and beth did and impressive dance to 'I got the power' (I hope none of the neighbours were passing at the time).

so now, it's about 10 minutes til bed time - and they are all going (excuse my language) apeshit - running circuits up one set of stairs and down the other. I'm just letting them go for it though - it's tiring them out. they've all been really good all day.

right, I'm off - I have seven kids to get to bed...that's about 210 teeth to brush. g'night!

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