Along with ducks, windmills, trams and 1960s breeze-block flats the Netherlands is rather big on bikes. This one has been mine for the duration and tonight was possibly its last big trip - a long wander through the outer 'burbs of Den Haag looking for stuff to photograph.
With it's half flat tyres, indifferent braking and a light that only works intermittently and gradually migrates round 90 degrees to the direction of travel it's been fun trundling up the road to the office and back. It's just as well there are no hills, and nice smooth cycle lanes everywhere - it wouldn't cope with much else. It's final booby-trap is the reverse pedal braking - specially designed by the Dutch to make foreigners fall off every time they stop or start moving.
Edit - failed to spot Gimp's habit of leaving white areas at the edges on rotation - cropped out now.
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