dark obsidian

By darkobsidian

Making Waves

While I was waiting for a bus to take me into the city centre this afternoon this rather large puddle - a leftover from the storms of the last couple of days - caught my attention. Or to be more specific the way that car drivers approached it kept me entertained for a while - so much so that I actually missed the first bus that passed my stop!

The braver drivers just ploughed on through the flooding making huge waves and leaving massive ripples in their wake while the more cautious swerved to the other lane to avoid coming into contact with any possible threat the water posed them. It was fascinating to observe and to try to predict who would do what - clearly nothing to do with size of car and everything to do with approach to life and perhaps also wisdom!

Of all the shots I took this is my favourite as it has some unexpected but nice reflections in it. I wish I'd had my DSLR camera with me instead of my little point and shoot but then this was all kind of unplanned so I guess I'm lucky I had the point and shoot and didn't end up taking it on my phone camera - always look on the positive!

'As long as you don't make waves life seems easy. But that's condemning yourself to impotence and death before you are dead'

Jeanne Moreau

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