Malleable Reality

By Risata

More Birthday Fun

You may remember Sonali from Classy Bowling. She celebrated her birthday earlier this month, and 10 days later it was Navya's, her roommate, birthday. We finally got around to celebrating last night by going out to a Mexican restaurant called Xochimilco's. Xochimilco is actually named after a place called Xochimilco Gardens in Mexico. The food, surprisingly, was not to my liking even though I'm a Mexican food fanatic. Another downside was that they fried everything in pork lard instead of canola/vegetable oil like most other restaurants. This meant I couldn't eat 95% of the menu. I couldn't even have the tortilla chips or the rice! I had enchiladas, which were good, but I had been expecting more. I guess I should never get my hopes up too high?

P.S. I back blipped my neighbor playing an intense game of Mario Kart on an old-school Nintendo 64! Check it out!

P.S.S. I saw No Strings Attached last night in theaters, and it was delightfully funny for a romantic comedy. You should go watch it! :)

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