Pilfering Moments

By MomentMarauder

Bottle Cap

I have a bunch of bottle caps, and I needed to wash them...and then I took a pic, more description in the poem
freeverse poem~

Bottle Caps

I collect bottle caps
Have you ever thought
of how a bottle cap feels?
Have you heard its story?
Probably not
Here's how it goes:
"I feel lonely
I'm used to keep
Everybody from overflowing
And then carelessly
Tossed away after use
Not given a second thought
I'm rendered useless
Nobody notices me
Yet I'm the one
That prevents spills
Stops havoc
I'm...a nobody"
You see?
That's why I have them
They're my friends
These little bottle caps
I give them a home
I give them love and care
See, that's why
I collect bottle caps.

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