Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Wet and Wild on Bread St.

The weather just gets better and better doesn't it? Thunder and lightning booming away the other night followed by gale force winds and torrential rain. Lovely!

All the dreary grey misery is not particularly inspiring me. Creative juices are far from flowing at the moment but I did eventually manage to get a wee bit of painting done today. I'm attempting buildings for the first time and it's really not going well! (My paintings only kindof work because I make stuff up, reality is a bit beyond my meagre skills) I seem to have no real sense of perspective or size...and a complete inability to paint straight lines. Hmmmm. I think quite a lot of masking tape is going to have to be deployed.
Ah well, can only get better. Hopefully.

Not only have I been productive but I also managed to attend to some personal grooming! And more impressively get out of the house before 11am without the aid of an alarm clock (still immune, but have given in and ordered a new one). My annual haircut has been long overdue, but today I'm all freshly shorn and re-purpled at last. I feel lighter and brighter!
I'll keep up the purpling regularly (it's most cheering) but I can't be bothered with the cutting part very often. Can't afford it either, I have expensive tastes and would rather go without than settle for a cheap 'do. In my opinion it makes much more sense to have an expensive cut once (occassionally twice if really necessary) a year than lots of unsatisfactory ones ;o)

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