Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind

Windy blustery day, certainly blown the cobwebs away! Today has been a good day ... lots of little things in the pipeline has left me feeling rather elated!

Had my friend and 2 of her little ones over for a cuppa & a chat this morning, always good to catch up :) she had a brain op a year ago so this week has been rather up and down for her and although she doesn't moan she lost some of her sight which we all take for granted, she is hopefully getting a guide dog to assist her on a day to day basis as she worries leaving the house. She really is rather courageous if you ask me!

I was walking back from big K's school this afternoon (we had plp day, basically a chat with the teacher and discuss targets) & I saw a bed of crocus out of the corner of my eye ... such beautiful colour! So that's where my blip has come from today, some wildly growing crocus!

Have a good weekend y'all ... hope it's a good and restful one!

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