Recovery mode*

The emergency day-surgery could not possibly have gone better.

Early yesterday morning I received a panicked email from Mary Poppins' mother regarding the apparent need for some reconstructive surgery on Froggie. At seven years of age Froggie has shared the crib, the stroller and does, to this day, share the bed of her devoted human companion. In 2006, she lived in Brussels with her family and had her picture taken at every beautiful fountain and building. She has all the signs of a first toy that has been well loved. Lately though, it has become more serious: her stuffing has settled in her butt,** making her head hang limp when she's being held.

Check-in for surgery was at 8:30 this morning and after outfitting her with one of those ultra-flattering, bare-bottom hospital gowns and an ID wrist band, the tricky chest augmentation was performed. Here she is in recovery, a little woozy but doing great.

Other than that important task, I did odds and ends type things today, one being the huge batch conversion of a client's art images to sRGB for web and email and reconsidering dropping a bundle on Camtasia video editing software. I just don't seem to be able to make the leap. Whattup? It must mean I can sense that I don't really NEED it.

*a bit of light hearted fun amidst some very serious happenings around the world
**join the club, Frog.

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