
By mollyblobs

Emergency snowdrops....

Today there's been virtually no time for photography. Alex and I spent the morning and early afternoon at Orton Pit, doing more willow clearance. We sawed...we dragged...and sawed a bit more and dragged a bit more...The fact that we were working on a former brick pit, with steep banks 3-4m high and slippery clay just made it all more exciting! Consequently we were both fairly exhausted when we got home. But it was great to get out in the sunshine - which actually felt really warm!

I had taken some photos at the pit on my Lumix, but wasn't happy with any of them, so just had time to hunt round the garden for a quick blip before we went off to the dentists. This was quite time consuming as we all had x-rays. From this we discovered that Ben's missing three adult teeth and has a strange mutant extra tooth in his upper jaw, so he's going to be referred to the orthodontist and will probably have to have the remaining milk teeth removed. And Pete's booked in to have a crown! Luckily my teeth were fine - thank goodness!

We're celebrating Chinese New Year today, which seems to us to come at a much more appropriate time than the British New Year celebrations. The snowdrops and aconites are in full bloom in the garden, and I saw the first buds of the Crocus tommasinianus, peeking from the lawn, a sure sign that the year is moving on. And also we really like Chinese food!!

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