
By spitzimixi


it was a toss up today between a high ISO slightly blurry shot or the most boring thing I could find. As a response to this article not because I only took two duff pictures today (I took far more!)
I chose boring - you can't get much more boring than tofu...though I have to admit that it's smoked, which adds a little bit of excitement, I hope it's not too much.

Some people seem to have a clear idea of what a photograph should look like, what techniques there are to get this perfect photo etc etc. Funnily enough, I don't agree. I expect that you are falling over with shock about that. Some of the greatest artists have broken the rules of the game. Some of the greatest writers, poets, philosophers, scientists too. Working inside the box might be the safe option but breaking out of it is more fulfilling. Culture only moves on when norms are destroyed and new ideas take their place. Some of my favourite blippers are brilliant exactly because they are breaking or, at least, bending rules.

Yesterday I got a lucky shot - I handn't thought about my camera only the picture unfolding in front of me. From now on I intend to think more about the instrument in my hands....and how I can get it to do what I want and not what the photography book says I should tell it to do.

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