jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Drums (again)

We had a splash of sunshine today! And we didn't go out in it. I have however cleaned the cooker hob, tidied the kitchen table, and scrunched up a couple of hundred (at least that's what it felt like) bits of red and pink tissue paper in prep for a valentine's craft in a couple of weeks' time. In tidying up I found Ben's drum again and so he had a chance to play on it with much joyfulness and singing. He requested wheels on the bus, wind the bobbin up, twinkle twinkle, incy wincy spider... I'm impressed at his ability to request all these songs. Obviously having a small bank of songs to choose from has its benefits as opposed to me who i stumped when he simply says mummy sing!

Tooth is doing ok. I still feel like I have a bruised jaw just at that point, but I'm hoping that once the tooth is filled and crowned again the pain will have a chance to go down.

Ben has decided he *does* actually like the banana cake, so I have had to share with him :(

What else.... oh yes. Snack time. What would Ben like? Cheese? Salami? Corned beef? Toast? Crisps? No. None of them. Apple? Yeh yeh yeh ahhpul!! Weirdo.

Nuff. Boy has been awoke by next door drilling. Can't really complain as it was only 4.45pm, and only 15 minutes earlier than I was expecting (better than an hour earlier).

Time to invent something for tea. Might get the lasagne out of the freezer :D Night in tonight, I'm hoping that somehow we can pull our fingers out and do some more work in Ben's room whether or not he goes to bed early again.

Tomorrow were off out to a friend's house for coffee in the morning. It's in Steyning so I will get a chance to get some groceries from the greengrocer while I'm there; and in the afternoon it's swimming and who knows whether I'll find the energy to cycle there and back! I'm out at a meeting in the evening so maybe cycling and swimming just beforehand isn't such a good idea. We will see.

Apologies for sporadic commenting. Again... :)

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