
By Appreciation

It's all Good

Woke to snow this morning. My boy was frantic - 'what if the snow stops us from getting to the States?' was his greatest concern. I did my motherly re-assuring, whilst wondering the same myself. They have such a tight turnaround in London that any slight delay could be crucial. But let's not dwell on that.

I had almost missed February creeping up on us. It does bring little signs of wonder - snow drops are raising their heads, rhubarb is bursting from its crown and showing off its magnificent red and yellow, and hellebores are hmmmm. They should be everywhere. In the garden mine are usually out in January. My witch hazel tree is in full splendour, but the Hellebores clearly didn't appreciate the harshness of the winter and are still sleeping. I hope, otherwise they're deed!

I delivered the incinerator bin to the allotment just at the time when the wind was picking up nicely. Our polythene tunnel had all but blown away. I can never resist a wander round, particularly when no-one is there. The trees in the woods beside were making an amazing noise as they were blown together and branches screeched across each other. I came across these tiny hellebores near the exit. They were a welcome sight, if stunted. To get any shot in the wind was impressive. My immense self offered no shelter to the little babes.

Home and my girl has had enough of studying and is baking - yum. My boy is home and making the same sort of noise the trees were with total uncontrollable excitement.

To top it off life in Queensferry is much happier today and yes we did win yesterday - £10! Well they do say you have to speculate to accumulate. Cake all round. I'm off to squeeze the living daylights out of my boy now but I won't miss him -much!

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