A day in the life of fernie

Daddy's out for a few hours....

My list of accomplishments achieved in the space of 3 hours.....

**discover lounge window, escape attempts shortly follow..
**floor covered in squashed in food..
**furniture rearranged to fernies liking....
**sticky finger prints all over daddys comp...
**remote controls chewed and hidden....
**sofa cushions thrown akimbo all over house...
**toys removed from toy box totally, and ignored...
**small table, stolen and used as a battering ram...,

**mummy tearing hair out....

My list is a complete success...!!!!!!

So, Now's the time to paint....

the cooker, the floor, the walls, the washing machine, cupboards,
ahhh, that looks so much better, with a Fernie touch,
Now, let me see,
Hmmm mummy, you camera's looking a tad black,
Surely you won't mind a lil bit of color,
you know, just a small lil dot right there....???!!!!!!!!!!!

Video :)
other pics from today
close blip contender, looks like she is writing her name!!

(this is the tamest fernie has been today, for those on FB you will know how disgusting this lil girl can be!!!)

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