must try harder

By halfcj

Bubble and squeak, but not as we know it.

Firstly, may I apologise for doing two food blips in a row, may seem like a cop out, but it is actually more of a coincidence. I'd like to think it isn't demonstrating a lack of imagination, although that is something I definitely suffer from - who's perfect?

No, it just so happens that yesterday's blip was a significant part of my day because it represented a return to one of those rare occasions of late where I actually spent quality time alone with my first born. It's generally over a few beers, some pub grub and, with him a chef with self imposed high standards, me musing over how he is seldom able to enjoy such food without offending his palate and hyper-analysing what is cheap, wholesome, honest grub, designed to fill a hole more than arouse the taste buds or regale the eye.

The quality of produce is always and issue. Nearly always concludes with me pointing out the price we have paid and the objective of the feast, pleading forgiveness on behalf of the damned chef. In fairness, he always acknowledges this cloaked in a solution as to how the chef should have improved the dish because, after all, we are paying, however little, and throwing my own words back at me, "we should all be striving to be the best we can be at what we do, wherever we do it." Point well made! I only have myself to blame (well, my grandfather actually!).

Anyhow, today's blip has nothing to do with Tom. Just these bangers, which I needed to cook before they reached their sell-by date. As I watched them cook, I became fascinated by the bubbling fat, self-excreted, facilitating their browning. The sizzling was engaging for sure, but visually what absorbed me more was the bubbling effect as air was squeezed out between pan and meat. My original objective was to see if I could capture that energy. It proved difficult. By the time I got my camera, that point of optimum heat and shape of sausage that created contact with the pan to deliver this effect was no more. My perfect storm had passed me by. I felt like one of those storm chasers....out for the perfect shot as a tornado touched down. OK less dramatic but equally dangerous as my eye hovers over the spitting fat! [OK, maybe not quite as dangerous.]

I took shots nonetheless and the one used, by pure chance I noticed, does in fact have the remnants of one such bubble (albeit not the focal point) bottom left of the front sausage, so despite my failure to capture the frenzy that had taken place only minutes before, which I tried to re-create by tinkering with heat and meat without success, I feel the shot captured the sumptuousness of these sausages, which I can verify were outstandingly delicious and will be purchased again. (For those of you intereseted, Waitrose own Pork and Apple). As with the enjoyed large!

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