
By Nigel

Crossing the Bridge

Spent the evening out in town with my Brother and mate Andy. My Brother suggested we cross the bridge from the Bridge Hotel over to Gateshead to go to a place called The Central Bar. Very fine it was too, an enormous selection of beers, so large that it had to span to separate bars in different rooms. A very strange layout too and apparently a music venue upstairs. Other ports of call included The Red House (poor), The Crown Posada (always nice), The Vineyard (for a bottle of wine), Popolo (for cocktails) and Trillians (for old times sake).

Then Munchies for a special mixed kebab.

Traveled down first class as I got a cheap weekend upgrade. The seats were very nearly big enough for someone my size and when I spilled my beer the napkins actually soaked up the mess rather than pushing it around the table, a nice feature for a napkin.

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