Book Geek

By Bookgeek

Culinary delights

This is a picture of my spaghetti bolognese. It tastes a lot better than it looks here. My friend taught me to make it last year after Steve went to college and I didn't want the kids to live on chicken nuggets waffles and fish fingers. Cooking isn't my strong point and I won't bore you with my MANY disasters.
Went up the school to listen to some readers again. It is a real eye opener to see the school in action, so to speak. I now know that they have a fridge full of ice packs and for good reason. I think I might have to sent thenkids to school in full combat gear. Ryan came home yesterday looking like hd had been down a mine. When I asked him if he had been digging holes with his face hd said "nah just got hit in the face by a football again"
It was pouring down at pick up time of course. Nothing better than getting soaked while your umbrella turns inside out and you are shepherding children into the middle of the road to avoid the big holes the council have decided to dig in the pavement. Sam escaped again and then spent the evening throwing things and showing everyone his bottle. So now I am knackered and a little bit grumpy as I am sure you can tell. I have overdosed on fruitellas and diet coke so hopefully I can regain my equilibrium or just turn bright pink.

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