Clare's Symi

By claresymi


I learnt an interesting lesson today......

When you're walking up the Kataraktis on a quiet day, uniterrupted by howling winds or pelting rain, if you find yourself accompanied by a slight creaking noise, stop and listen. If the noise stops too then it was probably your knees, back or ankles. In my case all three - not because I'm that old or because I have wooden legs but because my joints have always creaked, cracked and popped. When I walk down a staircase I sound like a well known, Kelloggs breakfast cereal.

Anyway, I digress, on with the lesson. If the creaking continues then start looking very closely at the rocks because you may spy a lizard popping out for a bit of afternoon sun. Then, if you're quick and quiet enough you may even manage to grab a couple of snaps.

Back in November I was over the moon to manage a lizard blip but I like this one more because it was more difficult to get and he/she is in more natural looking surroundings.

After the flat battery debacle yesterday, I was really pleased with todays snaps, including a couple of shots of another lizard taken a bit lower down the hill. So pleased, in fact, that I'm going to share the other pictures with you. If anyone can tell me anything about the red bug, the yellow flower or the weed, I'd be very pleased to know what they are.

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