Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

A little peak of spring

I know it's early and maybe a little optimistic but there sure are signs of spring in the air! It's still frrreezing out there but flowers are blooming, trees are budding & my fingers are crossed! Don't get me wrong, I love all seasons, none more than the other but when the season's coming to an end I'm ready for the next one!

Played netball last night, it seems with this cold weather our girls are having a change of heart and leaving the team, we struggle every week to get a full team together and constantly have a team of new players (I was one of them only a year ago after not playing since my school years ... I'm not counting them!!) I'm much more of a social exerciser than a lone ranger, something about motivation I believe! Since I've played i've lost my 2 big toenails, trapped a nerve in my arm & a broken finger which still hasn't fully recovered! Today i'm a little achy and have another possible broken finger! I'm just grateful it's not my clicking finger!!!

Well a fairly early blip for me today, I've got my sons 5th birthday party to finish organising, where did those 5 years go?! *sighs*

Anyway, enough babbling from me! Wishing all you fellow blippers a good day ... enjoy x

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