Family Dog

By Family_Dog

all that we could see, see, see...

Arlo got a book about a shark from the library and has become slightly obsessed by them so we thought we'd take him to Deep Sea World for a look at some real sharks. He was beyond excited at the idea.

As soon as we got in the place he was shouting 'shark' in a very loud, very excited way - and that was just at the posters and the flyers he was looking at. He didn't want to look at anything in the rock pools, any of the fish in the little tanks or any of the coral in the coral farm thingies - he just wanted to see sharks.

'Please Mummy, let's see the sharks - come ooooon', he urged. At that point we were standing right underneath a massive fake shark and I wasn't sure whether to draw his attention to it or not...I chose to draw his attention to it. What a twat (me, not him). He was bloody petrified. Unsurprisingly, being only tiny wee. After a very long time of convincing him it wasn't real we managed to get him into the moving tunnel bit and he did really quite well looking out for the 'pinchy-pinchy crabs' and the flat fish and all that. I was a bit anxious about him spotting the sharks for real.

He took it in his stride, I have to say - after a while he got really excited and shouted 'shark' at absolutely everything that moved. We got through the whole tunnel and then he asked to do it again. By the third time he was getting a bit tired so he asked if he could go on Bry's shoulders. This brought his face almost at the same point as the tank itself, so the nex time a shark came over, it must have felt like it was going to eat him. Needless to say, he absolutely pooped it.

We left the tunnel in a hurry, just in time for a rock pool feeding where the nice lady let Arlo throw vast quantities of chopped up fish and squid in for the fish and lobsters to have a good munch. He stank afterwards, but at least he'd forgotten about the big shark trying to eat him...

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