Lisa and the Boys

By narabug

Sleep (mark II)

My second entry for the 2011 challenge - sleep!

Today's photography thought pattern (and associated events) went something like this:
Hm, it's grey and raining, which invariably means my blip today will be grey or of water droplets...
Oh, hold on, I've got a full blip membership now! I can get a water droplet shot that really will look better large now I've got that feature!
So out I go with the camera, come back in feeling frustrated having reviewed the photos on the camera and hope they'll be better on the PC...
Well, that's not any good, nor's that one.... In fact, none of those are any good!
Back outside I go and try again.
Hmmm, those are also completely rubbish...

Eventually, I give up. I did try again later this evening but then it got far too dark. Except I couldn't get a proper night sky shot due to too much light pollution.

All of the above happening at various points throughout the day as and when I got a minute to do so.

So this shot is me, pretending to sleep, purely for the purposes of the sleep challenge. Nothing to do with having an exhausting day with Ewan and a frustrating day with the photography... I did have to edit it, too. As in go through and remove blemishes. Lots of them. I think my skin is worse now than when I was a teenager!!!!

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