
By greenzowie

Tibor the Tiger

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
- 'The Tiger' William Blake

Took a half day and went to the zoo again. First priority for me this time was the big cats as I only caught a glimpse of one last time. This is Tibor - he has only one eye due to it being removed as his eye was damaged before he came to the zoo and then went on to develop glaucoma which can be very painful. Here's a more traditional portrait or just one of his good side. He has a sister, Chandra who is in the next enclosure.

So many pictures - found it hard to choose just one. I heard a talk about the sun bears, a crow posing, a beautiful Amur leopard or the elusive albino squirrel.

If I hadn't spent so much time looking at the gorgeous Tibor, this Koala sticking it's tongue out at me would have made it , but the tiger was just too gorgeous not to feature for today.

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