Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery


When I lived in Sri Lanka I became fascinated by the colours and the quality of light that preceded and followed the rain, especially monsoon rains. Usually that meant a magic and very tropical green glow that could light up a room. I loved afternoons where you would suddenly become aware of this light and then when the rain came you couldn't be anything but aware of it because me and Clara would be sitting in our wee room under out metal roof. Lightening storms were also magic when lying in bed in the dark and then suddenly the room would light up. It all felt so different to home.

But since I have returned, 6 years now, I have noticed our own more subtle colours and light. Ours is a much more blue glow. I often wonder how many people compare this glow to one they have seen elsewhere. This photo doesn't show any such glow, just the light on the wet roads. But it's a fine light nonetheless.

On a quite different note I had a tricky time with mr c at work, who spent all morning offering to kiss my coldsores better whilst whispering "scratch it, scratch it..." He hates anything like that, feeling that those things should be picked. Lucky I escaped unscathed.

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