Worlds that dont belong

By Jonny


Main Entry:
\j?-?ner-ik, -?ne-rik\
French générique, from Latin gener-, genus birth, kind, class

1 a: relating to or characteristic of a whole group or class : general b: being or having a nonproprietary name <generic drugs> c: having no particularly distinctive quality or application <generic restaurants>2: relating to or having the rank of a biological genus
? ge·ner·i·cal·ly Listen to the pronunciation of generically \-i-k(?-)l?\ adverb
? ge·ner·ic·ness noun

Since I am not willing to make this blipfoto my forum for expressing my writings unhindered or free from censorship, it is classified as generic. What little glance this offers into my psyche is myopic in comparison to what I could offer. I think that there is an appropriateness that should be maintained since this is more of an artistic endeavor than a personal blog...despite there being a basic level of the later present here. Perhaps at some point it may adapt into something more, but until then I will only offer weaving of words.

you speak without speaking, an artful dance with the way you toy...
a game where all moves are strategic and throughly planned...a knight to your queen...where all possibilities are based on the best gambit...and where it shall lead...the looking glass is fogged and the perspective is skewed...feeling in the dark for the familiar with nothing but ghosts for comfort...does your rumination make you bleed...for what you would want...but never be satiated by...a tear across the know not your own worst...

Sadly I did not post last night. My camera batteries died, and I did not have any extra AA's in the house...

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