
By TeeJay


Last night I blipped blackberries, the night before it was strawberries, so today, in keeping with that theme, it is a lone New Zealand Blueberry (Turutu). Unlike the luscious introduced ones that we grow and make into scrummy pies and muffins, the NZ blueberry is inedible. I actually can't remember whether that's because it's really really bitter, or if it's poisonous. I could probably "google" it to find out, but I figure for the purposes of this blip it doesn't really matter!

I can remember (and I can't for the life of me think where or why I learnt it) that the NZ blueberry can be anywhere in colour between this palest of eggshell blues through to the blue black of the introduced ones - but ours is a more oval shape.

Well there you go, some knowledge shared (though no guarantees that what I "remember" is correct).

Aside from that, a really unproductive day at work then a dinner shared with kiwilizzie over which we discussed, you guessed it, photographs. Time for a quick game of online scrabble, then I can settle in again with Sarah Donati and book 3.

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