No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Roast Chicken

Aye, you cannae beat a wee M&S-Dine-In-For-£10 meal-deal!

I do like their Oakham chickens - followed their suggestion and added a little butter, salt, pepper and smoked paprika. Yum! Add some of their Parmentier potatoes and you've got such a tasty and easy-peasy Sunday dinner.

And I love that a chicken goes so far - picked the carcass clean afterwards (the best job!) and ended up with an ice-cream tub full of meat for another day. Top that off with the remaining bones to make stock for soup - you could feed a family for a week!

Took the kids to see Tangled this afternoon - we all loved it! Wee D was up dancing in the aisle during the musical numbers... And wee C was laughing so loud I had to tell her to keep it down a bit! :-)

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