Planko's Pics

By planko

Maggies Place

Got up nice and early this morning to take Mrs P to work then go blipping at the Maggie's centre, only to find it pi**ing down with rain. Argh.

It cleared up later on, so took a detour whilst taking the kids down town. Peksy Princess was not impressed with Gormless Idiot, as "you can see his private parts Dad. That's just rude. Imagine if children came here".

I couldn't stop laughing; she was so serious, especially the bit about children. I'm sure she thinks shes 21 instead of 11!

Her older brother (by 2 years) has the measure of her though. His chore today was to hoover the bedrooms, upstairs hallway and stairs. He did a half hearted attempt at his sisters room only to be told "Your not doing it properly; I'll do it". I swear he planned it that way by the smile on his face as he knows she's so meticulous!

Lovely M&S dinner tonight, and the wine that came with it was sooo good i had to open another bottle of it. Perfect end to the week :)

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