The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Give Blood?

In my ever desperate attempts to capture a dramatic blip event it fell (quite literally as it happens) to my lovely sister-in-law, Felicity, to provide me with today's blip. The extended family had all popped down to the Blood Donors to give their quarterly armful and returned home for their reward - bacon rolls.

Unfortunately, poor Felicity started to feel a wee bit faint and queasy after giving blood and then changing a dressing on her mum's newly operated-on hand (Flic is a nurse, when not lying in a heap on the kitchen floor).

So here it is - the drama of the post-blood giving almost fainting and nearly puking Felicity on the kitchen floor with her feet up. Yes, I took her photo - I did get her permission first and she had been provided with water, I'm not completely without compassion ;-)

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