Meester Feature

By Meestermartin

The Body

It started a month ago.

Indy saw it with his friends from the window of the school bus. It became the talk of the school.

A secluded wood. And just inside- a large plastic bag tied with white cord. Really only visible from their high travelling position.

Stand By Me? Who would stop here, on a busy road miles from nowhere?

It was time. But what if I discovered the body? Don't the Police suspect the finder? Wouldn't my life be dogged with calls, traces, neighbours gossip- the local bar going quiet when I walk in? Forever being The Binbag Fiend of Newmachar, The White Coiled Killer just because they couldn't find the right guy?

For the poor person's sake I braved the cold, traffic, wind and gut churning fear.

It was old carpet.

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