
By spitzimixi

granny sitting

I was granny sitting today - first Sunday lunch then hanging out at her pad watching a wonderful TV programme about love and lies and ...well, I couldn't quite follow it really but it was all really dramatic. Within about 40 minutes we'd had divorce, kidnapping, attempted murder, affairs, careers ruined and cancer. I'm so glad that TV is just made up...and that I don't normally have to watch it, it's traumatic, I don't know how all you TV-watching folks survive it!

Anyway, that's all irrelevant because I remembered to take my camera along and, whilst granny went for a lie down after lunch, I spent some time with a coffee and a cake and a camera capturing all the sparkly things in the restaurant.
Flea nearly got to blip today as she took a cracker of some cake wrapped in tin foil next to our outdoor Christmas lights (yeah, they're still up, we like them) but I decided that I didn't want her to hog the limelight ;-)

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