Journey Through Time

By Sue

Happy Birthday Dad!

I posted my mom, when it was her birthday, so I think my dad deserves the same honor. This is my dad, Lloyd. He was born Jan 30, 1915. Today he would have been 96 years old!

He married my mother in 1940 and that marriage lasted about 14 years or so. He happily married a second time and that was only ended with his death, at age 57.

My dad was well liked by everyone and was a friendly, out-going person. He joked and laughed and enjoyed life. When he was 10, he contracted polio and due to a set of unfortunate circumstances, his leg had to be amputated to save his life. No one ever thought of my dad as handicapped. When he was a young man, he usually could out run his nieces and nephews. He was given the use of a "wooden" leg, but it was so cumbersome and painful for him, that he just used crutches. It was easier and second nature for him to use "three" legs.

Memories of my dad include sitting on his lap on Sunday mornings and having him read me the funnies. I have many food memories of my dad. On a hot summer night, my husband has to take me to Dairy Queen so we can get a soft serve ice cream cone. My dad loved soft serve ice cream. My dad liked ice cream, the regular kind, with cantaloup. My dad put sugar on his cottage cheese and put mayonnaise on white bread and sprinkled sugar on top. I suppose these were treats from the Depression era.

I loved my dad, and I miss him. He walked me down the aisle and was so happy I was married to a man who loved sports. Then I got pregnant and I called and told my dad and step mom. They were so happy! Sadly, that very night...he died from long term heart problems. He never got to meet his only grandchild. That makes me very sad, but I always kind of thought, that if he could, my dad probably took on the job of watching over my son. At least, I like to think so. And if my son looks like anybody in our family, I think he most resembles my dad.

Happy Birthday Daddy...

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