
By craftynini

'Holiday Mayhem'

This is my new blanket. I bought two from work today for peanuts. They are in preporation for Paul and my new bed.. .. .. .. .well when we buy it in February!

My blip is uninspired as I worked late, then went to get the shopping for our hols, before taking Harry to his auntie Jackies for his holiday.

No blipping for the week as Paul and I have a very 'modern relationship.' That's code for 'he told me that we weren't taking the laptop with us!' It doesn't get any more 1950's than that.

My Sub Sunday recommendation goes to yet another member of my family! This person is a newby on the photography fromt, but if you want to read very witty and intellegent write ups then please check him out. Trust me it's worth is for the laugh alone.

This journal is .. .. .. Follow The Sapper.

Peace and love to all .. .. boo hoo I'll miss everyone.

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